Friday, February 5, 2010

Sara Cline- February 5, 2010

As Lizzy and Morgan know, DC is about to get hit with a massive blizzard. It was supposed to come this morning (and now is pushed back until later this evening), so my boss told me not to come in, for fear the weather would be bad. So, this is my second 3-day weekend in a row!

Right now is "appropriations season." Prior to working at PB, I didn't really know what that meant, but am starting to understand it. Different clients want money from the government for different projects (for example U of I might want $500,000 for some new engineering device, or to start a program to help women succeed in a field where they are underrepresented). So, the client comes to PB and explains what they need the money for, and then people at PB work to make that happen. To be considered to receive funding for a project (an earmark), a request form has to be submitted to the Member(s) who would be responsible for trying to earmark that money. For example, if I was trying to get a project done in Wheaton, requests would be filed to Senators Durbin and Burris and Congressman Roskam, the rep for Wheaton. Each office has a different due date for these forms, but they're all happening around this time. It is so busy right now, because the Firm has a large number of clients, often times with multiple projects, that need these forms filled out. The other step that PB takes to help clients secure earmarks is go with them to the Hill to lobby for their projects.

This week, I helped Jess a little bit with some of her forms. I can't really claim much credit for doing it though, because I was filling out the forms for Senator Graham (SC) based on the forms she had already done for Senator Inglis (also from SC).. so most of the work was already done. It was extremely interesting to see the wide range of projects people/groups request money for. The forms require a lot of information as to how the project will be completed, where the rest of the funding is coming from, how it will help the economy, how many new jobs it will create, etc.

On Thursday, I listened in on a call with Ohio University, where the projects they're seeking money for were discussed. Next week, leadership from the University will be in town to meet with Brown, Voinovich and their rep to discuss the projects, and I will be going with them. I assume it will be somewhat similar to when the orthodontists were here, but am much more excited because I have a better grasp on what is trying to be accomplished.

I am extremely happy that I choose this internship. It is a great fit for me, I am learning so much, I like the people I am working with and the work that I am doing.

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