Monday, March 22, 2010

A long-awaited arrival

After ten glorious weeks of interning on the hill, I have finally buckled myself down, signed into the account, and prepared to make my first blog post. Thankfully, I have kept fairly diligent notes of my work, so re-counted the past ten weeks will not be a challenge. So sit back, relax, and away we go!

Week 1: January 11-15

The first day of my internship at the Senate Republican Conference was absolutely thrilling. I was nervous walking into the Hart Office building, conveniently located a short two blocks from my DC row house, and originally went to the wrong room. Apparently, the conference's normal office space is undergoing renovation, so when I arrived at what I thought was my final destination, I found instead a giant cement cell of fallen wires and open sockets. A quick call to my intern coordinator set me straight, and soon I was being introduced to the wonderful people I would spend my next five months with.

The function of the Conference is to serve the Republican Senators. They are our bosses. This means that I will not spend my internship on the phone with angry constituents or glued to a computer batching emails. Those were my main responsibilities at my last hill internship, which I spent over on the House side. While that proved to be an invaluable experience and one I will never forget, I was now looking forward to new and different challenges. I was assured that's exactly what I would get. The other two interns and I were graciously received by all of our bosses, and told to hold on for a wild ride. This was not the type of job you could bring your B Game to. Every day counts, because the work we would perform was valuable to the Conference and was a necessary piece to the very complex puzzle that is the United States Senate.

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