Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Almost 2 months at AIA

This is a late post, and will likely be a short one as well. Last week was mostly spent finalizing the course outline for the EMTPJ project, for it was sent out at the beginning of this week to all of the collaborating mediation centers.

I have registed myself for several conferences in Belgium related to international law, which I will attend on behalf of AIA for networking purposes. This I like, for I have the opportunity to escape the confines of the office and socialize. I am confident I will be able to say very nice things about AIA as well.

Mr. Billiet, the president of AIA, will be a panel judge at an ELSA Moot Competition in Leuven next month, and so I have been helping him to look over the case material and familiarize himself with the issues. I have also begun writing a speech for him to deliver during the opening ceremonies.

I have been spending a lot of time looking for sponsors for our ongoing projects, as well as inviting speakers to our conference on UNCITRAL in June. The March newsletter is due next week as well, so I have been editing the external submissions and putting togerh my own articles for the publication. Finally, Mr. Billiet has asked that I write an article for Corporate International Magazine on international arbitration. That is all for now. I promise a more detailed, and perhaps more colorful entry next week.

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