Monday, February 1, 2010

Third Week - February 1, 2010

This was my third week working for Cap Fax, and most of the intensity has been in following the elections. The primaries are becoming extremely competitive on both sides of the aisle in the Governor's race, and the Senate race on the Democratic side is tightening up as more people make up their minds of who to support.

The other intern and I continued working on Morning Shorts and also compiled the fundraising information for the candidates running in statewide Constitutional offices. Looking at the fundraising disclosures reveals a great deal about how candidates fundraise. Some of the candidates who are making the biggest impression in the races succeed because they have a lot of personal wealth to invest in a campaign.

This weekend I met many important campaign personnel who Rich had invited to a party he hosts around this time each campaign cycle. I talked to staffers working for the Giannoulias, Hoffman, Cheryle Jackson, Quinn, Preckwinkle, and Mark Kirk campaigns, who all managed to mingle and enjoy good conversation in the midst of a looming primary. It is very reassuring to see the people who are competing against one another still manage to be friends just days before the polls close.

This week should be an exciting one! On Tuesday after the polls close I will be covering a campaign speech, be it an acceptance speech or a concession speech, from one of the major candidates. Having seen how much these races have tightened up and how competitive it all is, I am very excited to see the results!

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