Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 3 at DoS

This week was nowhere near exciting as the last. The beginning was slow, I got to read a few reports and go to a couple meetings with mid-levels. I got to write a brief for one of our deputy assistant secretaries (DAS) which was cool. I realize that things have to get proofread countless times. I attended a few intern events this week including a visit to the Capitol, which was less than impressive, and a networking/informational lunch with a civil and foreign service officer.

Its clear that being an intern at the department offers you a great advantage when it comes to getting a job there in the future. A lot of people I have met were interns or fellows there and they stayed on as contractors or got full time positions because they already knew the ropes.

The end of the week, as Sara already mentioned was the snowstorm that was coming to D.C. Everyone here does not react to snow as well as Chicagoans. People were stockpiling groceries, fighting to get bags of salt and shovels, and panicking as if it was the end of the world. The term floating around is "snowmaggedon". So on Friday we were dismissed four hours earlier than regularly scheduled because the snow was supposed to get worse all of Friday evening and Saturday morning. The forecast was right. Large amounts of snow, many metro trains and all buses were not operating all weekend. I live in Arlington and to get to D.C. I have to go past Arlington cemetery which is an above ground station. With the snow all above ground stations are closed so I'm pretty much stuck in Virginia.

The government is probably going to be closed Monday as well, and Tuesday after work I'm headed to New York city for an event at the United Nations. I'll be there for the rest of the week so I probably won't have much to say about my one work day next week. Thats it for now.

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